Is it better to ask someone to let you know or find it yourself?

Pablo Camacho
2 min readAug 13, 2020


I did the personality test and I did not find an interest in some good way. After finishing the test, I started to realize that I don’t know who I am and that it is quite hard to understand what is your ‘personality’ when you take a test of around 60 questions that test the way that you act around people, the way you think, etc. And it will tell you that you have an adventurer personality or an advocate personality. When I took the test, I tried to be the least biased possible and try to pick the most honest question that I believed.Nevertheless, I am not capable of seeing if what I chose was the right answer for my personality and that could have affected mine. Not only mine but many people that took this 16 personality test(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) could have made the same error.

However there are some aspects that can affect this test, when someone takes a quiz/test about themselves, they most of the time don’t pick the honest answer and they choose the answer that makes them look the best or looks like someone else. This is one of the most common mistakes when someone is talking about themselves, many people tend to believe a few things that are fake about themselves. In an article in ‘The Atlantic’ it says, ‘‘Sixteen rigorous studies of thousands of people at work have shown that people’s coworkers are better than they are at recognizing how their personality will affect their job performance.’’ The people that are around you at school, at home, at your sports team can see what are your real traits and how your personality shapes.

In conclusion, I believe that it is better that someone that knows you well helps you take this test to see what your real personality is.

